Thursday, August 25, 2005

Pack day #2 began much the same as Pack day #1... The packers were late and Aaron was waiting at the house for them when they finally did show. I stayed at the hotel and managed the kids until our faithful babysitter and friend showed up to relieve me. The packing continued in a flurry of dumping, stuffing and taping, much to my chagrin.

My assignment of the day.... Take Sassy, our cat friend of 2 years, to the Cat Rescue so she can find a new family. Not an easy task, but something that will be in her best interest, as we are unable to have her once we move into base housing -- 2 pet minimum. I have to say that I have never given a pet away before and it may have been one of the most difficult things I have had to do. I honestly hope she finds a nice family to love her.

After completing the dastardly deed I stopped at the Sprint Store to try and obtain an Air Card for our trip..... long story short, we are claiming irreconsirrable differences with Sprint and have changed our service to Cingular... our numbers are the same however, the voicemail is still not set up at this point in time. We are working on it!

The day ended late with a popcorn and M&M dinner at the hotel--

Here is the house packed and ready to be loaded tommorrow! ---

The kitchen - seems like there is still a bunch of junk!

The big girl's room -- no toys?

The office

The baby's room


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